Functional Programming

Overview of the lambda calculus and Scheme.

Lecture slide: click here

Readings: Scott, ch. 10 (including 10.6.1 on the CD), Dybvig ch. 1,2 (optional)


A Turing complete model of computation that has its syntax and reduction rules. It is the basis for functional languages.


ç-calculus has variables, abstraction and application.

Variables: lower-case letters. Such as x. Abstraction: (definition of function) λx.M, x being the function parameter, M being the function body. Application: (invocation of function) M N. Call function M with the argument N.

Abstraction is right-associative, application is left-associative. And application has precedence over abstraction. (For example,λx. y λx. z means λx.(y (λx.z)))

Free and bound variables

In term λx.M, the scope of x is M. So, we call x bound in M. The variables that are not bound are free.


Renaming bound variables. Usually used to avoid name collision.

λy.(...y...) → λw.(...w...)


Applying the argument and calling the function.

(λx.M) N → [x→N]M

[x→N]M means M with all bound occurences of x replaced by N. Restriction: N should not have any free variables which are bound in N.

Normal form

An expression that cannot be β-reduced any further is a normal form.

Not everything has a normal form. For example, (λz.z z)(λz.z z) reduces to itself which will result in infinite application.

Evaluation strategies

Slide page 7

For example, (λx.λy.yxx)((λx.x)(λy.z))

  1. normal-order: reduct the outermost "redex" first.

[x→(λx.x)(λy.z)](λy.yxx) → λy.y((λx.x)(λy.z))((λx.x)(λy.z)

2.applicative-order: arguments to a function evaluated first, from left to right.

(λx.λy.yxx)([x→(λy.z)]x) → (λx.λy.yxx)((λy.z))

Some observations:

  • If a lambda reduction terminates, it terminates to the same reduced expression regardless of reduction order.

  • If a terminating lambda reduction exists, normal order evaluation will terminate.


η(eta)-reduction is used to eliminate useless variables.

(λx.M x) → M

Computational power

The untyped λ-calculus is Turing complete.

Numbers and numerals: number is an abstract idea, numeral is the representation of a number.


TRUE   ≡  λa.λb.a
FALSE  ≡  λa.λb.b

IF     ≡  λc.λt.λe.(cte)

AND    ≡  λm.λn.λa.λb.m(nab)b
OR     ≡  λm.λn.λa.λ
NOT    ≡  λm.λa.λ


Some numerals

⌜0⌝   ≡  λfx.x
⌜1⌝   ≡  λfx.fx
⌜2⌝   ≡  λfx.f(fx)
⌜3⌝   ≡  λfx.f(f(fx))

Some operations

SUCC    ≡  λnfx.f(nfx)    // n+1
PRED    ≡  λn.n(λgk.(g⌜1⌝)(λu.PLUS(gk)⌜1⌝)k)(λv.⌜0⌝)⌜0⌝ // n-1
PLUS    ≡  λ  // m+n
MULT    ≡  λmnf.m(nf)     // m*n
EXP     ≡  λmn.nm         // n^m


MUL = λmn.m (ADD n) 0
EXP = λmn.m (MUL n) 1

Scheme overview

symbol? number? pair? list? null? zero?


(cons 'a '(b)) => list (a b) (cons 'a 'b) => dotted pair (a . b)

car: get head of list. cdr: get rest of list. cons: perpend an element to a list. '(): null list.

List decomposition

(car '(this is a list of symbols))
=> this

(cdr '(this is a list of symbols))
=> (is a list of symbols)

(cdr '(this that))
=> (that) ; a list

(cdr '(singleton))
=> () ; the empty list

(car '())
=> Error: car expects argument of type<pair>; given()

(cadr xs) is (car (cdr xs)) (cdddr xs) is (cdr (cdr (cdr xs)))

List building

(cons 'this '(that and the other))
=> (this that and the other)

(cons 'a '())
=> (a)

shortcut: (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)

Quoting data ('...)

quote or ' to describe data.

(quote (1 2 3 4))
(quote (Baby needs a new pair of shoes))
'(this also works)


#t: true. #f: false.

Any value not equal to #f is considered to be true.

Simple control structures


(if condition expr1 expr2)

Generalized form

  (pred1 expr1)
  (pred2 expr2)
  (else exprn))

Global definitions

define is a special function that only can be used at the top level to create global variables.

; (define name value)
(define x 15)
(define sqr (lambda (n) (* n n))

; (define (name ...parameters) body)
(define (sqr n) (* n n))

Locals: let, let* and letrec

Basic let skeleton:

  ((v1 init1) (v2 init2) ... (vn initn))

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