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Probability of each token chosen randomly (and independently of other tokens)
Probability of each token chosen randomly (and independently of other tokens)
Probability of a token given the previous token
Include probability that a word occurs at the beginning of a sentence, i.e. bigram(the, START)
Include probability that a token occurs at the end of a sentence, e.g. bigram(END, .)
Include non-zero probability for case when an unknown word follows a known one.
If a bigram has a zero count, "backoff" (use) the unigram of the word.
That is to replace bigram(current_word, previous_word)
with unigram(current_word)
Probability of a word depends only on the previous word.
Example: count(the -> same -> as) / count(the -> same)
Example: count(the -> same -> as -> an) / count(the -> same -> as)
Trigram Model: probability of a word depends only on the previous two words.
N-gram Model: probability of a word depends only on the previous N-1 words.
Probability of a sentence = Product of probabilities of each word.
Both can have left modifiers. Only noun phrases can have right modifiers.
A noun group consists of: left modifiers of the head noun and the head noun
We will assume that all punctuation and coordinate conjunctions are outside of a noun group
Distribution of Words in Sentences: N-grams, Phrase Structure Syntax and Parsing