
Separable form for recurrence relation:

T(n)=G(n,T(n1),...,T(nk))\begin{gather*} T(n) = G(n, T(n_1), ..., T(n_k)) \end{gather*}

where G(x0,x1,...,xk)G(x_0, x_1, ..., x_k) is a function in k+1k+1 variables and each ni(i=1,...,k)n_i (i=1,...,k) is a function of nn that is strictly less than nn.

Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:

F(n)=F(n1)+F(n2)\begin{gather*} F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) \end{gather*}

For this, we have k=2,n1=n1,n2=n2k=2, n_1=n-1, n_2=n-2

G(n,x,y)=x+y\begin{gather*} G(n, x, y) = x + y \end{gather*}

Merge sort complexity:

T(n)=n+2T(n/2)\begin{gather*} T(n) = n + 2T(n/2) \end{gather*}

For this, we have k=1,n1=n/2k=1, n_1=n/2

G(n,x)=n+2x\begin{gather*} G(n, x) = n + 2x \end{gather*}

Rote Method

Related homework questions: h2-Q7

EGVS method

4 stages: Expand, Guess, Verify and Stop-and-Sum.


T(n)=2T(n/2)+nT(n) = 2T(n/2) + n

  1. Expand:

    T(n)=2T(n/2)+n=2(2T(n/4)+(n/2))+n=4T(n/4)+2n=4(2T(n/8)+(n/4))+2n=8T(n/8)+3n=\begin{align*} T(n) &= 2T(n/2) + n \\ &= 2 (2 T(n/4) + (n/2)) + n \\ &= 4 T(n/4) + 2n \\ &= 4 (2T(n/8) + (n/4)) + 2n \\ &= 8T(n/8) + 3n \\ &= \dots \end{align*}
  2. Guess:

    T(n)=2iT(n2i)+in\begin{gather*} T(n) = 2^i T({n\over{2^i}}) + i n \end{gather*}
  3. Verify: (use natural induction)

    Base case: T(n)i=1=2T(n/2)+nT(n)_{i=1} = 2T(n/2) + n holds

    Inductive step: Assume T(n)i=kT(n)_{i=k} holds, the goal is to prove T(n)i=k+1T(n)_{i=k+1} also holds.

    T(n)=2kT(n2k)+kn=2k(2T(n2k+1)+n2k)+kn=2k+1T(n/2k+1)+k+1)n\begin{align*} T(n) &= 2^k T({n\over{2^k}}) + k n \\ &= 2^k (2 T({n\over{2^{k+1}}}) + {n\over{2^k}}) + k n \\ &= 2^{k+1} T(n/2^{k+1}) + (k+1) n \end{align*}

    Therefore, this proves T(n)i=k+1T(n)_{i=k+1} also holds.

    Combining the base case and the inductive step we verified that T(n)=2iT(n2i)+inT(n) = 2^i T({n\over{2^i}}) + i n.

  4. Stop:

    We can pick i=lgni = \lfloor {\lg n} \rfloor for stopping, then 0<n2i20 < {n\over{2^i}} \le 2.

    By DIC, choose T(n)=0T(n) = 0 for all n2n \le 2.

    Therefore, for n>1n > 1,

    T(n)=lgnn\begin{gather*} T(n) = \lfloor {\lg n} \rfloor n \end{gather*}

Basic Sums

Other kinds of sums are often reduces to the following forms.

Arithmetic Sums

Snk:=i=1nik\begin{gather*} S^k_n := \sum^n_{i=1}{i^k} \end{gather*}

Solution: Snk=Θ(nk+1)S^k_n = \Theta(n^{k+1})

Geometric Sums

When x1x \ne 1,

Sn(x):=i=0n1xi\begin{gather*} S_n(x) := \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}{x^i} \end{gather*}

Solution: S=xn1x1S_\infty = {{x^n - 1}\over{x - 1}}

Infinite Geometric Series

When x<1\lvert{x}\rvert < 1,

S(x):=i=0xi\begin{gather*} S_{\infty}(x) := \sum^{\infty}_{i=0}{x^i} \end{gather*}

Solution: S=11xS_{\infty}={1\over{1 - x}}

Harmonic Series

Hn:=1+12+13++1n\begin{gather*} H_n := 1 + {1\over{2}} + {1\over{3}} + \dots + {1\over{n}} \end{gather*}

Solution: Hn=ln(n)+g(n)H_n = ln(n) + g(n) where 0<g(n)<10 < g(n) < 1.

Summation Techniques

Growth Types

Related homework questions: h3-Q1

Polynomial Type

A real function ff is polynomial-type if ff is non-decreasing (ev.) and there is some C>1C > 1 such that:

f(x)Cf(x/2) (ev.)\begin{gather*} f(x) \le C f(x/2)\ (ev.) \end{gather*}

Increasing Exponential Type

ff increases exponentially if there exists real numbers C>1C > 1 and k>0k > 0 such that:

f(x)Cf(xk) (ev.)\begin{gather*} f(x) \ge C f(x - k)\ (ev.) \end{gather*}

Decreasing Exponential Type

ff decreases exponentially if there exists real numbers C>1C > 1 and k>0k > 0 such that:

f(x)f(xk)/C (ev.)\begin{gather*} f(x) \le f(x - k) / C\ (ev.) \end{gather*}

Lemma 8: Closed Properties

(a) Polynomial-type functions are closed under addition, multiplication, and raising to any positive power a>0a > 0.

(b) Exponential-type functions ff are closed under addition, multiplication, and raising to any power aa. In case a>0a > 0, the function faf^a will not change its subtype (increasing or decreasing). In case a<0a < 0, the function faf^a will change its subtype.

(c) If ff is polynomial-type and lgf\lg f is non-decreasing then lgf\lg f is also polynomial-type. If ff is exponential-type and a>1a > 1 then so is afa ^ f.

Summation Rules by Growth Type

Related homework questions: h3-Q2

Theorem 6: Summation Rules

Sf(n)=Θ{nf(n)if f is polynomial-type,f(n)if f is increasing exponentially,1if f is decreasing exponentially.S_f(n) = \Theta \begin{cases} n f(n) & \text{if f is polynomial-type,} \\ f(n) & \text{if f is increasing exponentially,} \\ 1 & \text{if f is decreasing exponentially.} \end{cases}


  • Polynomial Sums:

    i1nilog(i)=Θ(n2log(n)),i1nlog(i)=Θ(nlog(n)),i1nia=Θ(na+1)(a0).\sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i \log(i)} = \Theta(n^2 \log(n)), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{\log(i)} = \Theta(n \log(n)), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i^a} = \Theta(n^{a+1})(a\ge{0}).
  • Exponentially Increasing Sums:

    i1nbi=Θ(bn)(b0),i1ni522i=Θ(n522n),i1ni!=Θ(n!).\sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{b^i} = \Theta(b^n)(b\ge{0}), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i^{-5}2^{2^i}} = \Theta(n^{-5}2^{2^n}), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i!} = \Theta(n!).
  • Exponentially Decreasing Sums:

    i1nbi=Θ(1)(b0),i1ni2ii=Θ(1),i1nii=Θ(1).\sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{b^{-i}} = \Theta(1)(b\ge{0}), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i^2 i^{-i}} = \Theta(1), \sum^n_{i\ge{1}}{i^{-i}} = \Theta(1).

Transformation Techniques

Domain Transformation

Related homework questions: h3-Q3 and h3-Q4(combining range transformation)



T(N)=T(N/2)+N\begin{gather*} T(N) = T(N/2) + N \end{gather*}

We define t(n):=T(2n)orN=2nt(n) := T(2^n) \text{or} N = 2^n.

This transforms the original N-domain into the n-domain:

T(2n)=T(2n/2)+2nT(2n)=T(2n1)+2nt(n)=t(n1)+2n\begin{align*} T(2^n) &= T(2^n/2) + 2^n \\ T(2^n) &= T(2^{n-1}) + 2^n \\ t(n) &= t(n-1) + 2^n \end{align*}

We get this standard form. By DIC, we choose the boundary condition t(n)=0t(n) = 0 for all n0n \le 0.

We get sum:

t(n)=i0n2n=Θ(2n)\begin{gather*} t(n) = \sum^n_{i\ge{0}}{2^n}=\Theta(2^n) \end{gather*}

Because we have n=lgNn = \lg N,

T(N)=Θ(N)\begin{gather*} T(N) = \Theta(N) \end{gather*}

On Lecture II Page 46, L1120, we get the exact sum by transforming the descending sum to the ascending sum.

Range Transformation

Related homework questions: h3-Q4(combining domain transformation)


T(n)=2T(n1)+n\begin{gather*} T(n) = 2T(n-1) + n \end{gather*}

We define t(n):=T(n)2nt(n) := {T(n)\over{2^n}}, then divide the both sides of the original equation by 2n2^n.

T(n)2n=2T(n1)2n+n2nT(n)2n=T(n1)2n1+n2nt(n)=t(n1)+n2n\begin{align*} {T(n)\over{2^n}} &= 2{T(n-1)\over{2^n}} + {n\over{2^n}} \\ {T(n)\over{2^n}} &= {T(n-1)\over{2^{n-1}}} + {n\over{2^n}} \\ t(n) &= t(n-1) + {n\over{2^n}} \end{align*}

We get this standard form. By DIC, we choose the boundary condition t(n)=0t(n) = 0 for all n0n \le 0.

We get sum: (i0nn2n\sum^n_{i\ge{0}}{n\over{2^n}} is exponentially decreasing)

t(n)=i0nn2n=Θ(1)\begin{gather*} t(n) = \sum^n_{i\ge{0}}{n\over{2^n}}=\Theta(1) \end{gather*}

Because t(n)=T(n)2nt(n) = {T(n)\over{2^n}},

T(n)=Θ(2n)\begin{gather*} T(n) = \Theta(2^n) \end{gather*}

Master Theorem

Related homework questions: h2-Q8

Master recurrence:

T(n)=aT(n/b)+d(n)\begin{gather*} T(n) = a T(n/b) + d(n) \end{gather*}

where a>0a > 0, b>0b > 0 are real constants and d(n)d(n) the driving/forcing function.

Watershed constant

w=logb(a)w = \log_b(a)

Watershed function

W(n)=nw=nlogb(a)W(n) = n^w = n^{\log_b(a)}

Useful link: Online basic master theorem solver

Master Theorem

Theorem 10: Master Theorem on Lecture II Page 51, L1207

T(n)=Θ{nw,if d(n)=O(nwϵ) for some ϵ>0,CASE()nwlog(n),if d(n)=Θ(nw),CASE(0)d(n),if ad(n/b)cd(n) for some 0<c<1.CASE(+)\begin{gather*} T(n) = \Theta \begin{cases} n^w, & \text{if } d(n) = O(n^{w-\epsilon}) \text{ for some } \epsilon > 0, & CASE(-) \\ n^w \log(n), & \text{if } d(n) = \Theta(n^w), & CASE(0) \\ d(n), & \text{if } a\cdot d(n/b) \le c\cdot d(n) \text{ for some } 0 < c < 1. & CASE(+) \\ \end{cases} \end{gather*}

Extended Master Theorem

Theorem 12: Extended Master Theorem on Lecture II Page 54, L1282

T(n)=Θ{d(n),if ad(n/b)cd(n) for some 0<c<1.CASE(+)W(n)loglogn,if d(n)=Θ(W(n)logc(n)) for c=1,CASE(1)W(n)logc+1(n),if d(n)=Θ(W(n)logc(n)) for c>1,CASE(0)W(n),if d(n)=O(W(n)logc(n)) for c<1.CASE()\begin{gather*} T(n) = \Theta \begin{cases} d(n), & \text{if } a\cdot d(n/b) \le c\cdot d(n) \text{ for some } 0 < c < 1. & CASE(+) \\ W(n)\log\log n, & \text{if } d(n) = \Theta(W(n)\log^c(n)) \text{ for } c = -1, & CASE(1) \\ W(n)\log^{c+1}(n), & \text{if } d(n) = \Theta(W(n)\log^c(n)) \text{ for } c > -1, & CASE(0) \\ W(n), & \text{if } d(n) = O(W(n)\log^c(n)) \text{ for } c < -1. & CASE(-) \\ \end{cases} \end{gather*}

Multi-term Master Recurrences

Related homework questions: h3-Q5

T(n)=d(n)+i=1kaiT(n/bi)\begin{gather*} T(n) = d(n) + \sum_{i=1}^{k}{a_i T(n/b_i)} \end{gather*}

where ai>0a_i > 0 and b1>b2>>bk>1b_1 > b_2 > \cdots > b_k > 1 are real constants.

Watershed constant

It is the real number α\alpha such that:

1=i=1kaibiα\begin{align*} 1 = \sum_{i=1}^{k}{a_i\over{b_i^{\alpha}}} \end{align*}

It clearly exists and is unique.

Multi-term Master Theorem

Theorem 15: Multi-term Master Theorem on Lecture II Page 62, L1483

T(n)=Θ{nα,if d(n)=O(nwϵ) for some ϵ>0,CASE()nw,if d(n)=Θ(nw),CASE(0)d(n),if i=1kaid(n/bi)cd(n),CASE(+)\begin{gather*} T(n) = \Theta \begin{cases} n^{\alpha}, & \text{if } d(n) = O(n^{w-\epsilon}) \text{ for some } \epsilon > 0, & CASE(-) \\ n^w, & \text{if } d(n) = \Theta(n^w), & CASE(0) \\ d(n), & \text{if } \sum^k_{i=1}{a_i\cdot d(n/{b_i})} \le c\cdot d(n), & CASE(+) \\ \end{cases} \end{gather*}

Real Induction

Related homework questions: h2-Q9

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