
Please note that even though this site is public, it's solely for my final exam preparation or other personal purposes. The correctness of any information posted on this site is not guaranteed. So read it with caution.

Some links on this site may not work for you, because they may point to a private or protected page that you are not authorized to access. Don't contact me and ask for them, because as I've said, they are copyrighted. Unless you're convinced that it's a public resource and the link is just broken, you can react me at

This site is NOT supposed to help you with your homework. You MUST NOT straight copy the answers, solutions or codes and use them as your course hand-ins. Plagiarism is strongly prohibited, and remember, it does no good for you.

Also, I thank all professors that put hard work into their teaching.

If you think this site is helpful for your final exam preparation, and want to contribute, feel free to submit issues, fork the repo or submit pull requests. But keep in mind that this site's source code and content are all licensed under GLP-3.0. Make sure that your use of this repo conform to the open-source license.

At last, happy hacking!

Last updated